January 23

Intermediate Level A


Intermediate Level A

This exclusive, invite-only course is designed for practitioners who have already completed our introductory level training and want to take their skills to the next level. In this advanced course, you'll learn over 100 new exercises and strategies to help kids improve their movement skills and reach their full potential.

4 Days
$2,500.00 excl.


Course Description

The DMI Intermediate Level A course offers advanced training opportunities to eligible practitioners. The course has a total of 108 exercises plus many alternate holds and progressions. The course includes exercises ranging from head and trunk control, all the way through static and dynamic balance skills. Practitioners will not only add many exercises to their toolbox, but will also learn in-depth strategies to maximize outcomes.


Course Objectives

  • Complete all 108 exercises

  • Demonstrate proficiency in all introductory level exercises

  • Exhibit knowledge and basic proficiency in aerial maneuvers

  • Practice assessment and treatment planning skills

  • Identify children’s gross motor impairments and begin to choose which exercises would be most appropriate to address them

  • Have a working understanding of all biomechanical forces at play when applying each exercise

  • Collaborate with other practitioners in treatment planning and exercise choices


  • Successful completion of Introductory Level A to C. 
  • 1-year waiting period between completing Introductory Level C and starting Intermediate Level A.


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